Methodology in detail

In 2025 we introduced our advanced ratings system. See About the ratings for a basic description of our methodology, or read on for a more in-depth account of how our ratings are calculated:

Rules for calculating ratings

Each company is given a total numerical score, which is calculated by adding up praises and criticisms for a company, including companies up the ownership tree.

Each assessment subcategory (e.g., climate change, workers' rights) has a maximum score range of +/- 3 points.

Full praise 2             Full criticism -2
Lesser praise 1 Lesser criticism -1
Minor praise 0 Minor criticism 0
Neutral 0 Boycott call F

The overall rating is then calculated using the following rules.

 Rating Tally Condition Alt. reason
 A+ 5+
 A 4
 A- 3 4+ points, with at least one INFO


5+ at least one minor criticism*
 B 2 3,4 points with at least one minor criticism*
 B- 1 2 points with at least one minor criticism*
 ? 0
 C+ 5+ at least one criticism
 C 2,3,4 at least one criticism no praise, no criticism, with at least one INFO
 C- 0,1 at least one criticism no praises, no criticisms, with at least one INFO and at least one minor criticism*
 D+ -1
 D -2
 D- -3
 F -4 at least one boycott call

* annual revenue exceeding US$1 billion counts as a minor criticism

This points system has the following overrides/exceptions:

> Any neutral limits potential rating to A-
> Any minor criticism limits potential rating to B+
> Any full or lesser criticism limits potential rating to C+
> Any boycott call limits potential rating to F
> No full or lesser praises or criticisms but a neutral is rated C
> No full or lesser praises or criticisms but a minor criticism is rated C-
> Companies with 3 or 4 points, a minor criticism, but no full or lesser criticisms are rated B
> Companies with 2 points, a minor criticism, but no full or lesser criticisms are rated B-

Read more: Ratings history | Ratings upgrade 2025 | About the ratings