Vaccines and pharmaceuticals
World's largest vaccine company, they also make pharmaceuticals and consumer healthcare products. Previously known as Sanofi-Aventis.


Owned FRA
Rating C
About the Ratings
Sanofi SA

Company Assessment

(Last updated Aug 2024)
Sanofi SA
CDP Climate Change score of A-
In 2023, the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) asked companies to provide data about their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change risk. Responding companies are scored across four key areas: disclosure; awareness; management; and leadership. This company received a CDP Climate Change score of A-.
Source: CDP (2023)
CDP Water Security score of A-
In 2023, the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) asked companies to provide data about their efforts to manage and govern freshwater resources. Responding companies are scored on six key metrics: transparency; governance & strategy; measuring & monitoring; risk assessment; targets & goals; and value chain engagement. This company received a CDP Water Security score of A-.
Source: CDP (2023)
81/100 in TIME rankings
World's Most Sustainable Companies of 2024 by TIME and Statista recognises the Top 500 most sustainable companies in the world. From a selection of 5,000 of the world's largest companies, non-sustainable businesses were excluded, and the remaining companies were rated on Commitment & Ratings, Reporting & Transparency, and Environmental & Social Stewardship. This company received a total score of 81.2/100, ranking 7th overall.
Source: TIME (2024)
100% on Corporate Equality Index
This company is listed as having best practice on a report card on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality in corporate America.
Access to Medicine ranking
This company received the eighth highest score in the Access to Medicine Index 2022, a ranking of the world's 20 largest pharmaceutical companies on their efforts to increase access to medicine in developing countries. The ranking is based on their scores in each Technical Area, with Product Delivery weighted most highly, followed by R&D and Governance of Access.
13/20 in Social Benchmark
The 2024 Social Benchmark assesses the world's 2,000 most influential companies on their responsibility in meeting society's fundamental expectations towards three measurement areas: respecting human rights, providing decent work, and acting ethically. This company was assessed in 2022 and received a score of 13/20. The average score was an alarmingly low 4.6/20 and the highest score was 15.5/20.
70/100 S&P Global ESG Score
This company received an S&P Global ESG Score of 70/100 in the Pharmaceuticals category of the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment, an annual evaluation of companies' sustainability practices (last updated 18 Nov 2022). The rankings are based on an analysis of corporate economic, environmental and social performance, assessing issues such as corporate governance, risk management, environmental reporting, climate strategy, human rights and labour practices.
36.7% in Nature Benchmark
The Nature Benchmark ranks 816 companies across 20 industries on their efforts to protect our environment and its biodiversity. Companies were assessed in three phases between 2022 and 2024 using three measurement areas: governance and strategy; social inclusion and community impact; and ecosystems and biodiversity. This company was assessed in 2022 and is ranked #33/816, with a total score of 36.7/100.
Global 100
The 2024 Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World list by Corporate Knights is based on a rigorous assessment of nearly 7,000 public companies with revenue over US$1 billion. All companies are scored on sustainable revenue and investment, gender and racial diversity, CEO pay versus employee average, CEO bonuses based on sustainability performance, taxes paid and contributions to employee pensions. This company ranked #66 in the Global 100, with an overall score of C+.
Palm oil rating - WAZA
The PalmOil Scan app, produced by the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA), rates companies on their commitment to sourcing sustainable palm oil. Companies are scored on their use of certified sustainable palm oil (CSPO), commitment to sourcing CSPO, on-the-ground conservation action, and membership to the RSPO. Companies can earn a rating of Excellent, Good, Poor or No Commitment. This company is rated "No Commitment" (retrieved 18 Nov 2023).
Source: WAZA (2023)
3.9% in conflict minerals rankings
As You Sow's 2019 report, Mining the Disclosures, is a deep analysis of 215 companies' human rights performance in relation to sourcing conflict minerals from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). This company's score was 3.9% (Weak).
Supply chain practices in China
The Green Supply Chain Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) evaluates consumer-facing companies that have a sizeable supply chain in China. The evaluation uses government supervision data and public information to assess the environmental management of their supply chains in China. This company received a score of 10.56/100 (retrieved 24 Nov 2023).
Source: IPE (2023)
Fined $458m over Plavix resistance risks
In 2024 this company was ordered to pay US$458 million to the state of Hawaii over claims that they falsely advertised the effectiveness of the blood thinner Plavix. The judge ruled that Sanofi marketed and sold Plavix in an unfair and deceptive manner, and that the companies failed to disclose that the drug could be harmful to those of East Asian and Pacific Islander ancestry.
Fined US$25m for corruption
On 4 Sept 2018 the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission announced that Sanofi agreed to pay more than $25 million to resolve charges that its Kazakhstan and the Middle East subsidiaries made corrupt payments to win business. According to the SEC's order, the schemes spanned multiple countries and involved bribe payments to government procurement officials and healthcare providers in order to be awarded tenders and to increase prescriptions of its products.
Fined US$12m for paying kickbacks
In 2020 an American subsidiary of this company agreed to pay US$11.85 million to resolve allegations that it violated the False Claims Act by paying kickbacks to Medicare patients through a purportedly independent charitable foundation, The Assistance Fund.
Fined for fraud in USA
In 2019 several pharmaceutical companies finally settled a 2005 lawsuit which claimed the companies fudged wholesale drug prices to increase Medicaid reimbursements. In all, the state of Illinois received a combined $648 million over the course of that litigation. A subsidiary of this company was involved in the 2019 settlement.
Fined US$20m for drug overcharging
In 2017 an American subsidiary of this company agreed to pay US$19.87 million to resolve claims that it incorrectly calculated drug prices and thereby overcharged the US Department of Veterans Affairs for drugs under two contracts between 2002 and 2011.
Pollution in India
Changing Markets' 2016 report, 'Superbugs in the Supply Chain' investigates how pollution from antibiotics factories in India and China is fuelling the global rise of drug-resistant infections. "Sanofi has links to dirty production via its Czech subsidiary Zentiva, which sources the antibiotic Ciprofloxacin from Neuland Pharmaceuticals - an Indian pharma company that has been implicated in unlawful manufacturing discharges."
Sanofi-Aventis has been investigated by USA's Food and Drug Administration for supplying the agency with fraudulent clinical trial data. Sanofi has run into legal trouble in the form of anti-trust lawsuits and investigations for its suppression of generic drugs and fiercely protecting its patents.
Fined for pricing dispute
Azmacort, Nasacort and Nasacort AQ are all steroid-based anti-inflammatory nasal sprays used to treat nasal congestion during the onset of a sinus infection, the common cold or hay fever. Their manufacturer, Aventis Pharmaceutical, which is a subsidiary of Sanofi-Aventis, agreed to $95.5 million in fines in 2009 after the company was found to have misreported the drugs' best prices, thereby avoiding paying millions of dollars in rebates to Medicaid between 1995 and 2000. [Listed under Information due to age of court finding]
Fines for misconduct
This company is listed on the Federal Contractor Misconduct Database as having 8 instances of misconduct since 1995 amounting to US$290 million in penalties.
Antitrust fine upheld
The Court of Appeals of Paris upheld a 40.6m euro antitrust fine against this company for campaigning to discourage doctors and pharmacists from prescribing or substituting a generic version of its blood thinner Plavix. The Court rejected this company's appeal of a May 2013 decision by the French Competition Authority and fining it for abusing its dominance and using a 'strategy of denigration' against generic Plavix competitors in 2009 and 2010. [Listed under Information due to age of court finding]
Cartel fine in India
In June 2015, Sanofi's Indian subsidiary was fined US$9.4m by the Indian Competition Commission for colluding and forming a cartel (with GlaxoSmithKline) in their bidding practices to get government contracts for the supply of a meningitis vaccine. The vaccine was for use among 200,000 pilgrims visiting Mecca.
Fined for bribery
This company was fined 28m euros because two of its former employees were convicted of bribery by a German court in December 2013. The former employees had made illicit payments to a consultancy advising one of this company's clients between 2007 and 2010 to win new orders for the client. This led to Sanofi being unfairly given preference. [Listed under Information due to age of court finding]
False claims settlement
In 2012, the US Department of Justice announced that this company agreed to pay US$109m to resolve allegations that they violated the False Claims Act by giving doctors free samples of knee injection product Hylagan to encourage them to buy and prescribe the treatment. The settlement also resolved allegations that the company submitted false sales reports for Hylagan that did not account for the free samples distributed contingent on purchases of the product. [Listed under Information due to age of court finding]
'Health camps' in India
This company is one of the pharmaceutical companies using free 'health camps' in India to test poor patients for diseases and then prescribe them drugs. In violation of the regulations of the Medical Council of India, the camps often do not have licensed doctors but use drug sales representatives to undertake health checks.
49.9% in Newsweek Green Ranking 2017
This company received a score of 49.9/100 in the Newsweek Green Ranking 2017, which ranks the world's largest publicly traded companies on eight indicators covering energy, greenhouse gases, water, waste, fines and penalties, linking executive pay to sustainability targets, board-level committee oversight of environmental issues and third-party audits. Ranking methodology by Corporate Knights and HIP Investor.
Climate action commitments
As listed on the We Mean Business website, this company has committed to the following climate action initiatives: adopt a science-based emissions reduction target.
Mum-friendly employer
This company was named in Seramount's 100 Best Companies 2022 for being a mum-friendly employer. Listed companies provide inclusive benefits for families, including paid gender-neutral parental leave, phase-back programs, bereavement leave after miscarriage, reimbursement for fertility expenses, and increased mental health benefits for employees.
Corporate responsibility claims
This company has a number of corporate responsibility claims and documents on its website.
AMR Industry Alliance member
This company is a member of the AMR Industry Alliance, a coalition of biotech, diagnostics, generics and research-based pharmaceutical companies set up to provide sustainable solutions to curb antimicrobial resistance (AMR). AMR is an increasingly significant threat to global public health which puts at risk the effective prevention and treatment of a wide range of infections.
How2Recycle member
This company is a member of How2Recycle. The How2Recycle Label is a voluntary, standardized labeling system that clearly communicates recycling instructions to the public. It involves a coalition of forward thinking brands who want their packaging to be recycled and are empowering consumers through smart packaging labels. Companies must be a member of the program to use the How2Recycle Label.
60% in AMR Benchmark
The 2021 Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Benchmark ranks 17 large pharmaceutical companies on their efforts keep medicines and vaccines available, despite the rise of drug resistance. This company received a score of 60%.
> About the Icons

Company Details

Public company
43 billion EUR (2023)
86,088 (2023)
Sanofi-aventis Australia Pty Ltd
Vaccines and pharmaceuticals wholesaler
Vitamins are manufactured at their Brisbane facility. Other products are imported.

Contact Details

Paris, France

Products / Brands

Sanofi Australia
Betadine Antiseptic
Betadine Cold & Flu
Cenovis Vitamins
Ford Senna Laxatives
Gastrolyte Digestive Care
MICROgenics Vitamins
Nature's Own Vitamins
Nature's Own Health Foods
Ostelin Vitamins
Selsun Shampoo
Shave Mens Grooming
Telfast Cold & Flu