An investor in the domestic and international agribusiness and food sectors for more than 40 years. The company operates a related group of businesses in Australia, Europe, North America and Africa. They are Riverina Milk, Hillston Citrus, Lucki Rice, Riverina Dairy, ICM Water, Tropico, ICM Agriculture, Peechelba Beef (Feedlot) and Gourmet Garden.


Owned AUS
Rating D+
About the Ratings
ICM Agribusiness Pty Ltd

Company Assessment

(Last updated Jan 2021)
ICM Agribusiness Pty Ltd
Feedlot operations
This company operates one feedlot. A feedlot is an intensive confinement animal feeding operation (CAFO) for cattle, much like a factory for 'battery chickens'. Each animal has 5 to 10 square metres of space in a pen of 50 to 200 cattle. The cattle are forced to stand and sleep in their own dung and urine, and endure extremes of weather (especially heat). Close confinement means a much higher risk of disease so antibiotic drugs are routinely used. Grain feed commonly causes their digestive systems to be acidic. Cattle spend up to a year in feedlots, where they are fattened up before slaughter.
> About the Icons

Company Details

Private company
Riverina Dairy Pty Ltd
Dairy company
Riverina Dairy is a fully owned subsidiary of ICM Australia; one of Australia's largest privately owned agricultural businesses.

Contact Details

2497 Wangaratta-Yarrawonga Rd, Peechelba, VIC, 3678, Australia
03 5726 8388

Products / Brands

Riverina Dairy
Riverina Dairy Cheese