Yili Group
Asia's largest dairy producer. Acquired New Zealand's second largest dairy co-op, Westland, in 2019.


Owned CHN
Rating F
About the Ratings

Company Ownership

Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Company Ltd
Government of the People's Republic of China
owns 100% of Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Company Ltd
Communist government
All power within the government of the People's Republic of China is divided among three bodies: the Chinese Communist Party, State Council, and the People's Liberation Army. In recent years China has been consolidating it's state-owned assets and inviting private investors to invest (often family members of high ranking government officials), however in most cases the government retains control and majority ownership. We have listed State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) simply as subsidiaries of China's government, although in reality company ownership is often more complex.

Company Assessment

(Last updated Aug 2024)
Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Company Ltd
CDP Climate Change score of B
In 2023, the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) asked companies to provide data about their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change risk. Responding companies are scored across four key areas: disclosure; awareness; management; and leadership. This company received a CDP Climate Change score of B.
Source: CDP (2023)
CDP Forests score of B
In 2023, the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) asked companies to provide data about their efforts towards removing commodity-driven deforestation and forest degradation from its direct operations and supply chains. Responding companies are scored across four key areas: disclosure; awareness; management; and leadership. This company received a CDP Forests score of B.
Source: CDP (2023)
CDP Water Security score of B
In 2023, the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) asked companies to provide data about their efforts to manage and govern freshwater resources. Responding companies are scored on six key metrics: transparency; governance & strategy; measuring & monitoring; risk assessment; targets & goals; and value chain engagement. This company received a CDP Water Security score of B.
Source: CDP (2023)
12.3% in Forest 500 Rankings
Forest 500 identifies the 350 companies and 150 financial institutions with the greatest exposure to tropical deforestation risk, and annually assesses them on the strength and implementation of their deforestation and human rights commitments. This company received a score of 12.3%.
0/100 in KnowTheChain Benchmark
In 2023 KnowTheChain benchmarked 60 food and beverage companies on their efforts to identify and tackle forced labour risks in their supply chains. This company received a score of 0/100. The average score was a disappointing 16/100 and the highest score was 56/100.
0.8% in Human Rights Benchmark
The 2022 Corporate Human Rights Benchmark assessed 127 companies in the food and agriculture, ICT and automotive manufacturing sectors on their human rights performance. This company received a score of 0.8%. The overall average score was a disappointing 17.3% and the highest score was 50.3%.
Access to Nutrition rating
The Global Access to Nutrition Index assesses how the world's 25 largest global food and beverage manufacturers contribute to addressing malnutrition in all its forms: overweight and obesity, undernutrition, and micronutrient deficiency. All have been assessed on their commitments, practices, and disclosure with regards to governance and management; the production and distribution of healthy, affordable, accessible products; and how they influence consumer choices and behavior. Of the 25 companies ranked, this company came 22nd.
6.2% in Gender Benchmark
The 2023 Gender Benchmark ranks 112 companies from the apparel and food and agriculture sectors on their efforts to drive gender equality and women's empowerment across their entire value chain. Companies are assessed on governance and strategy, representation, compensation and benefits, health and well-being, violence and harassment, and marketplace and community. This company ranked #105/112, with a total score of 6.2%. The average score was 23% and the highest score was 55%.
0.1% in BMS Marketing Index
The BMS Marketing Index 2024 assesses how well companies making breast-milk substitutes (BMS) are following international guidelines for marketing their products. The Index aims to ensure marketing practices don't discourage breastfeeding. This company scored 0.1%. The highest score was 37% and the average score was a disappointing 10%.
1/20 in Social Benchmark
The 2024 Social Benchmark assesses the world's 2,000 most influential companies on their responsibility in meeting society's fundamental expectations towards three measurement areas: respecting human rights, providing decent work, and acting ethically. This company was assessed in 2023 and received a score of 1/20. The average score was an alarmingly low 4.6/20 and the highest score was 15.5/20.
Tier 6 in farm animal welfare rankings
The Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare (BBFAW) 2023 Report ranks global food companies on their farm animal welfare policies, practices and performance. This company appeared in tier 6, "No evidence on the business agenda", with tier 1 being the best, and tier 6 the worst.
FAIRR Protein Producer Index
The Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index is a comprehensive assessment of how this sector is managing critical sustainability risks factors: GHGs; deforestation and biodiversity; water scarcity; water pollution; antibiotics; animal welfare; working conditions; food safety. This company was rated as high risk.
6% in Food and Agriculture Benchmark
The 2023 Food and Agriculture Benchmark assessed 350 keystone companies across the entirety of the food system, from farm to fork. It covers three dimensions where transformation is needed: nutrition, environment and social inclusion. This company ranked #264/350, with a total score of 6/100.
5.1% in Nature Benchmark
The Nature Benchmark ranks 816 companies across 20 industries on their efforts to protect our environment and its biodiversity. Companies were assessed in three phases between 2022 and 2024 using three measurement areas: governance and strategy; social inclusion and community impact; and ecosystems and biodiversity. This company was assessed in 2023 and is ranked #640/816, with a total score of 5.1/100.
Supply chain practices in China
The Green Supply Chain Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) evaluates consumer-facing companies that have a sizeable supply chain in China. The evaluation uses government supervision data and public information to assess the environmental management of their supply chains in China. This company received a score of 13.9/100 (retrieved 24 Nov 2023).
Source: IPE (2023)
3.2% in methane scorecard
The livestock sector is the single largest contributor to man-made methane emissions. Even though rapid reductions of methane emissions are needed to slow the rate of global warming, the largest meat and dairy corporations are oblivious to the problem. Changing Markets' 2021 report 'Blindspot' investigated the policies and actions of 20 meat and dairy giants to reduce their methane emissions. This company scored 3.2/100 for their methane policy and actions.
Sustainability claims
This company has sustainability claims on its website.
Government of the People's Republic of China
Investing in single-use plastic waste
This company is the world's 2th largest equity owner of companies producing single-use plastic waste, according to Minderoo Foundation's 2021 Plastic Waste Makers Index. Institutional asset managers and global banks are providing billions of dollars to companies that produce polymers from fossil fuels, as much as 100 times more than they provide to companies trying to shift to a circular economy. Plastic pollution is one of the biggest, most urgent threats facing our planet and our health.
Human rights abuse
Amnesty International's 2020 report on China states "The year was marked by harsh crackdowns on human rights defenders and people perceived to be dissidents, as well as the systematic repression of ethnic minorities. The beginning of the year saw the start of the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, which killed more than 4,600 people in China. People demanded freedom of expression and transparency after authorities reprimanded health professionals for warning about the virus. At the UN, China was strongly criticized and urged to allow immediate, meaningful and unfettered access to Xinjiang. Stringent restrictions on freedom of expression continued unabated. Foreign journalists faced detention and expulsion, as well as systematic delays to and refusals of visa renewals. Chinese and other tech firms operating outside China blocked what the government deemed politically sensitive content, extending its censorship standards internationally. China enacted its first Civil Code, which received thousands of submissions by the public calling for legalization of same-sex marriage. Hong Kong’s National Security Law led to a clampdown on freedom of expression." Follow the link for further details.
Treatment of Uyghurs
Amnesty International's 2021 report 'Like We Were Enemies in a War', outlines how Uyghurs, Kazakhs and other predominantly Muslim ethnic minorities in China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region face systematic state-organized mass imprisonment, torture and persecution amounting to crimes against humanity. Muslim ethnic groups are being forced to abandon their religious traditions, cultural practices and local languages.
Human rights abuse
According to Human Rights Watch: "China's one-party authoritarian state under the Chinese Communist Party systemically curbs fundamental rights. Under President Xi Jinping, in power since 2013, the government has deepened repression at home and sought to muzzle critics abroad. It has arbitrarily detained human rights defenders and lawyers, tightened control over civil society, media, and the internet, and deployed invasive mass surveillance technology. The government imposes particularly heavy-handed control in the ethnic minority regions of Xinjiang and Tibet. The government's cultural persecution and arbitrary detention of a million Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims since 2017 constitute crimes against humanity. In Hong Kong, the government imposed draconian national security legislation in 2020 and systematically curbed the city's freedoms. The government initially covered up the Covid-19 outbreak and later hindered international efforts to investigate the virus's origin."
Wikipedia profile
Follow the link to see Wikipedia's article on the government of the People's Republic of China.
> About the Icons

Company Details

State-owned enterprise
Westland Co-operative Dairy Company Ltd
Previously owned by over 340 farmer shareholders, who supply milk to the factory for processing. Acquired by Chinese dairy giant Yili in 2019.
EasiYo Products Ltd
Yoghurt making system maker
Founded in 1992. Products made in New Zealand and exported to 20 countries around the world.

Contact Details

Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China

Products / Brands

Westland Milk Products
Westgold Butter & Margarine
EasiYo Pudding & Custard