Kao Corporation
Consumer product manufacturer
Japan's #1 maker of personal care, laundry, and cleaning products.


Owned JPN
Rating C
About the Ratings
Kao Corporation

Company Assessment

(Last updated Jan 2025)
Kao Corporation
CDP Climate Change score of A
In 2023, the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) asked companies to provide data about their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change risk. Responding companies are scored across four key areas: disclosure; awareness; management; and leadership. This company received a CDP Climate Change score of A.
Source: CDP (2023)
CDP Forests score of A
In 2023, the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) asked companies to provide data about their efforts towards removing commodity-driven deforestation and forest degradation from its direct operations and supply chains. Responding companies are scored across four key areas: disclosure; awareness; management; and leadership. This company received a CDP Forests score of A.
Source: CDP (2023)
CDP Water Security score of A
In 2023, the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) asked companies to provide data about their efforts to manage and govern freshwater resources. Responding companies are scored on six key metrics: transparency; governance & strategy; measuring & monitoring; risk assessment; targets & goals; and value chain engagement. This company received a CDP Water Security score of A.
Source: CDP (2023)
53.56% for supply chain practices in China
The Green Supply Chain Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) evaluates consumer-facing companies that have a sizeable supply chain in China. The evaluation uses government supervision data and public information to assess the environmental management of their supply chains in China. This company received a score of 53.56/100 (retrieved 24 Nov 2023).
Source: IPE (2023)
12.5/20 in Social Benchmark
The 2024 Social Benchmark assesses the world's 2,000 most influential companies on their responsibility in meeting society's fundamental expectations towards three measurement areas: respecting human rights, providing decent work, and acting ethically. This company was assessed in 2024 and received a score of 12.5/20. The average score was an alarmingly low 4.6/20 and the highest score was 15.5/20.
79/100 S&P Global ESG Score
This company received an S&P Global ESG Score of 79/100 in the Personal Products category of the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment, an annual evaluation of companies' sustainability practices (last updated 23 Sep 2022). The rankings are based on an analysis of corporate economic, environmental and social performance, assessing issues such as corporate governance, risk management, environmental reporting, climate strategy, human rights and labour practices.
38.6% in Nature Benchmark
The Nature Benchmark ranks 816 companies across 20 industries on their efforts to protect our environment and its biodiversity. Companies were assessed in three phases between 2022 and 2024 using three measurement areas: governance and strategy; social inclusion and community impact; and ecosystems and biodiversity. This company was assessed in 2024 and is ranked #25/816, with a total score of 38.6/100.
Unsustainable palm oil use
This company scores Ethical Consumer's worst rating for their use of palm oil, signifying they are using no or minimal certified palm products, and with no or minimal positive commitments.
D grade in Keep Forests Standing report
Rainforest Action Network's 2023 report and scorecard "Keep Forests Standing" assessed 10 brands on their efforts to address their contribution to the destruction of forests, ongoing land grabs, and violence against local and Indigenous communities. This company received a 'D' grade in the evaluation.
Source: RAN (2023)
Palm oil rating - WAZA
The PalmOil Scan app, produced by the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA), rates companies on their commitment to sourcing sustainable palm oil. Companies are scored on their use of certified sustainable palm oil (CSPO), commitment to sourcing CSPO, on-the-ground conservation action, and membership to the RSPO. Companies can earn a rating of Excellent, Good, Poor or No Commitment. This company is rated "Poor" (retrieved 18 Nov 2023).
Source: WAZA (2023)
Palm oil from illegal sources
A 2022 investigation by the Rainforest Action Network (RAN) found that major consumer goods companies, including this one, have been purchasing palm oil from mills that have continued to source palm oil resulting from the illegal clearing of lowland rainforests within the nationally protected Rawa Singkil Wildlife Reserve in the Leuser Ecosystem, Indonesia.
Source: RAN (2022)
Water Pollution in China
In 2006 Kao subsidiary Kao Chemical Corporation Shanghai was blacklisted by various levels of Chinese government for releasing wastewater not sufficiently treated. [Listed under Information due to age of report]
Use of microplastics
This company uses plastic microbeads in some of its personal care products. These particles are not retained by wastewater treatment so end up in the ocean where they contribute to ocean plastic pollution, and are hazardous to sea life. While the effects of microplastics on human health are not completely understood, there are concerns about plastic additives, such as phthalates, which are known endocrine disruptors which are shown to have harmful effects on life.
Animal testing
In 2009 Naturewatch reported that Kao Corporation was still investing in new methods of testing on animals. [Listed under Information due to age of report]
11.2% in Newsweek Green Rankings 2016
This company received a score of 11.2/100 in the Newsweek Green Rankings 2016, which ranks the world's largest publicly traded companies on eight indicators covering energy, greenhouse gases, water, waste, fines and penalties, linking executive pay to sustainability targets, board-level committee oversight of environmental issues and third-party audits. Ranking methodology by Corporate Knights and HIP Investor.
Microbeads scorecard
In 2016 Greenpeace East Asia ranked the world's 30 biggest personal care companies on their commitment to eliminating microbeads from their personal care products. The scorecard was based on four main criteria: commitment & transparency, definition, deadline and global application. This company ranked joint second. Microbeads are not retained by wastewater treatment and end up in the ocean where they are a threat to the marine environment.
Climate action commitments
As listed on the We Mean Business website, this company has committed to the following climate action initiatives: adopt a science-based emissions reduction target; responsible corporate engagement in climate policy; commit to 100% renewable power.
Gender equality
This company appears on the 2023 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index, signifying a commitment to supporting gender equality through policy development, representation, and transparency.
UN Global Compact participant
The United Nations Global Compact asks companies to embrace, support and enact, within their sphere of influence, a set of 10 values in the areas of human rights, labour standards, the environment, and anti-corruption. However it's non-binding nature has been widely criticised, and many signatory corporations continue to violate the Compact's values.
Sustainability claims
This company has a number of sustainability claims on its website including various policy statements.
47.5% in Forest 500 Rankings
Forest 500 identifies the 350 companies and 150 financial institutions with the greatest exposure to tropical deforestation risk, and annually assesses them on the strength and implementation of their deforestation and human rights commitments. This company received a score of 47.5%.
Modern Slavery statement
California, the UK and Australia have all enacted legislation requiring companies operating within their borders to disclose their efforts to eradicate modern slavery from their operations and supply chains. Follow the link to see this company's disclosure statement.
33% in Gender Benchmark
In 2023 and 2024, the World Benchmarking Alliance assessed 2,000 companies on their efforts to drive gender equality and women's empowerment across their entire value chain. Companies are assessed on governance and strategy, representation, compensation and benefits, health and well-being, and violence and harassment. This company scored 33 out of 100. The average score was 15.3 and the highest score was 51.
> About the Icons

Company Details

Public company
14.4 billion USD (2019)
34,257 (2023)
Kao USA Inc
Personal care products
Responsible for Kao's operations in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Kao Australia Pty Ltd
Personal care and cleaning products
Bondi Sands Pty Ltd
DIY tanning
Australia and New Zealand's largest self-tanning brand, with sales also in UK, USA & Europe. Australian owned and made. Acquired by Kao in 2023 for $450 million.

Contact Details

Tokyo, Japan

Products / Brands

Kao Australia
Biore Skin Care
BioZet Attack Laundry Detergent
Jergens Skin Care
John Frieda Shampoo
John Frieda Hair Colour
KMS California Shampoo
Molton Brown Skin Care
Bondi Sands
Bondi Sands Tanning Lotions
Bondi Sands Sunscreen