In 2008 Tania Austin, co-founder of Cotton On bought Decjuba and has since grown the company from 6 to 100 stores. Cotton On is owned by Tania's ex-husband.


Owned AUS
Rating D+
About the Ratings
Decjuba Enterprises Pty Ltd

Company Assessment

(Last updated Oct 2024)
Decjuba Enterprises Pty Ltd
3/5 for packaging performance
This company received a packaging performance level of 3 (Advanced) in its 2024 APCO Annual Report. Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) is a not-for-profit organisation leading the development of a circular economy for packaging in Australia. Each year, APCO Members are required to submit an APCO Annual Report and Action Plan, which includes an overall performance level from 1 (Getting Started) to 5 (Beyond Best Practice).
Source: APCO (2024)
No COVID Fashion Commitments
In 2020 Baptist World Aid Australia released The COVID Fashion Report, a special edition of their Ethical Fashion Report. The report is framed around six COVID Fashion Commitments that ask companies to demonstrate the steps and measures they are taking to protect and support the most vulnerable workers in their supply chains. This company showed no evidence of actions that it covered any of the COVID Fashion Commitments.
21/100 in Ethical Fashion Report
Baptist World Aid Australia's '2024 Ethical Fashion Report' assessed 120 companies on their efforts to mitigate against the risks of forced labour, child labour and worker exploitation in their supply chains, as well as protect the environment from the harmful impacts of the fashion industry. Assessment criteria fall into five main categories: policy & governance, tracing & risk, auditing and supplier relationships, worker empowerment and environmental sustainability. This company received a score of 21/100. The average score was 31.3 and the highest score was 90.
Fur free retailer
This retailer has committed to being a fur free retailer, as recognised by the International Fur Free Retailer Program.
Sustainability claims
This company has sustainability claims on its website includes codes of conduct, charitable giving, support for The Hunger Project and a number of sustainability initiatives including the use of recycled materials.
Better Cotton Initiative member
This company is a member of the Better Cotton Initiative, a voluntary program which encourages the adoption of better management practices in cotton cultivation to achieve measurable reductions in key environmental impacts, while improving social and economic benefits for cotton farmers, small and large, worldwide.
Modern Slavery disclosure quality
Human Rights Law Centre's 2022 report, "Broken Promises: Two years of corporate reporting under Australia's Modern Slavery Act", examines statements submitted to the Government's Modern Slavery Register by 92 companies sourcing from four sectors with known risks of modern slavery: garments from China, rubber gloves from Malaysia, seafood from Thailand and fresh produce from Australia. Modern slavery statements are analysed to see if they comply with the mandatory reporting requirements, identify or disclose obvious modern slavery risks, and demonstrate effective actions to address risks. This company's modern slavery disclosure statement received a rating in the 31-40% range. The average score was 44% and the highest score was 89%.
> About the Icons

Company Details

Private company
936 (2018)

Contact Details

125 Cambridge St, Collingwood, VIC, 3066, Australia
03 9412 5255

Products / Brands

D-Luxe Everyday Apparel
Decjuba Womens Fashion
Decjuba Girls Childrenswear
Decjuba Men Menswear (casual)