Personal care products wholesaler
Company Ownership
L'Occitane Australia Pty Ltd
L'Occitane International SA
owns 100% of L'Occitane Australia Pty Ltd
Personal care products maker
Founded in 1976 by Olivier Baussan, L'Occitane is an international manufacturer and retailer of skincare, body care, fragrance and hair care. Sold in 90 countries around the world. Listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange in 2010, but became a private company again in 2024. Austrian billionaire Reinold Geiger owns over 70% of the company.
Company Assessment
(Last updated Mar 2025)
L'Occitane Australia Pty Ltd
APCO member
Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) is a not-for-profit organisation leading the development of a circular economy for packaging in Australia. Each year, APCO Members are required to submit an APCO Annual Report and Action Plan, which includes an overall performance level from 1 (Getting Started) to 5 (Beyond Best Practice). This company received a packaging performance level of 2 (Good Progress) in its 2024 APCO Annual Report.
Source: APCO
L'Occitane International SA
Certified B Corp with score of 85.4
Certified B Corporations, or B Corps, are companies verified by B Lab to meet high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. The B Impact Assessment measures a company's practices and outcomes in five areas: governance, workers, community, the environment, and customers. This company has a B Impact Score of 85.4 and has held B Corp Certification since August 2023. The median score for businesses is 50.9, with a score of 80 required for B Corp Certification.
Source: B Lab
Animal Testing
This company appears on PETA's (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, USA) 'Companies That Do Test On Animals' list, signifying that they manufacture products that are tested on animals at some stage of development.
Source: PETA
Unsustainable palm oil use
This company scores Ethical Consumer's worst rating for their use of palm oil, signifying they are using no or minimal certified palm products, and with no or minimal positive commitments.
Source: Ethical Consumer
15.78% for supply chain practices in China
The Green Supply Chain Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) evaluates consumer-facing companies that have a sizeable supply chain in China. The evaluation uses government supervision data and public information to assess the environmental management of their supply chains in China. This company received a score of 15.78/100 (retrieved 24 Nov 2023).
Source: IPE
37/100 S&P Global ESG Score
This company received an S&P Global ESG Score of 37/100 in the Personal Products category of the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment, an annual evaluation of companies' sustainability practices (last updated 17 Mar 2023). The rankings are based on an analysis of corporate economic, environmental and social performance, assessing issues such as corporate governance, risk management, environmental reporting, climate strategy, human rights and labour practices.
Source: S&P Global
Use of microplastics
This company uses plastic microbeads in some of its personal care products. These particles are not retained by wastewater treatment so end up in the ocean where they contribute to ocean plastic pollution, and are hazardous to sea life. While the effects of microplastics on human health are not completely understood, there are concerns about plastic additives, such as phthalates, which are known endocrine disruptors which are shown to have harmful effects on life.
Source: Beat the Microbead
Fined for false advertising
in 2014 the U.S. Federal Trade Commission fined four companies, including this one, a total of US$34 million for deceptive advertising claims for weight loss products.
Source: news article
Climate action commitments
As listed on the We Mean Business website, this company has committed to the following climate action initiatives: commit to 100% renewable power.
Source: We Mean Business
Responsible Beauty Initiative member
This company is a member of the Responsible Beauty Initiative, an industry initiative focused on sustainable procurement. It was founded in 2017 to improve sustainability throughout the entire beauty supply chain, through sharing best practices and processes, driving a common understanding across the industry, and to use and share common tools, creating efficiencies.
Source: Ecovadis
Ellen MacArthur Foundation member
This company is a member of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, whose stated mission is to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation works with business, government and academia to build a framework for an economy that is restorative and regenerative by design.
L'Occitane Foundation
The L'Occitane Foundation was created in 2006 to drive and bring together the actions of public interest in which L'Occitane had already been involved since its beginning in 1976. Action areas include fighting avoidable blindness, promoting women's leadership and preserving natural heritage.
Source: company website
Corporate responsibility claims
This company has a number of corporate responsibility claims on its website under the broad headings of sustainability; philanthropy; sourcing and manufacturing; policy statements; and commitments publications.
Source: company website
Global Shea Alliance member
This company is a member of the Global Shea Alliance (GSA), a non-profit industry association with 560 members from 35 countries including women's groups, brands and retailers, suppliers and NGOs. Through public-private partnership, the GSA promotes industry sustainability, quality practices and standards, and demand for shea in food and cosmetics. Nearly 2 billion shea trees grow naturally on parklands in 21 African countries stretching from Senegal to South Sudan, while 16 million women living in rural communities individually collect fresh shea fruits and kernel for processing. The shea industry provides a critical source of jobs and incomes to often poor and underserved communities.
Source: Global Shea Alliance
Global Plastics Treaty endorsee
In 2022 after more than 170 nations backed a historic UN resolution to end plastic pollution, global businesses across the plastics value chain, financial institutions, and NGOs came together to announce a common vision for an effective and ambitious Global Treaty to End Plastic Pollution. The vision will form the basis for future policy engagements with governments through a newly launched Business Coalition for a Global Plastics Treaty which will be convened by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and WWF. This company has endorsed the vision statement of the treaty.
Source: Global Plastics Treaty
Plastics Commitment signatory
This company is a signatory to the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment, whose goal is to eliminate plastic pollution at its source.
Source: New Plastics Economy
CDP Climate Change score of C
In 2023, the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) asked companies to provide data about their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change risk. Responding companies are scored across four key areas: disclosure; awareness; management; and leadership. This company received a CDP Climate Change score of C.
Source: CDP
C+ grade in Plastic Promises Scorecard
As You Sow's 2024 Plastic Promises Scorecard measures the corporate ambition and action of 225 large companies across six industries on six core pillars of plastic packaging pollution prevention: 1) Recyclability, 2) Reduction, 3) Recycled Content, 4) Recovery, 5) Reuse, and 6) Producer Responsibility. This company received a grade of C+.
Source: As You Sow
Palm oil rating - WAZA
The PalmOil Scan app, produced by the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA), rates companies on their commitment to sourcing sustainable palm oil. Companies are scored on their use of certified sustainable palm oil (CSPO), commitment to sourcing CSPO, on-the-ground conservation action, and membership to the RSPO. Companies can earn a rating of Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor or No Commitment. This company is rated "Fair" (retrieved 4 Feb 2025).
Source: WAZA
Skin Deep hazard scores
Skin Deep is an online safety guide to cosmetics and personal care products and their potential hazards and health concerns, with over 75,000 products rated from 1 (low hazard) to 10 (high hazard).
Company Details
Wholly-owned subsidiary
Contact Details
Level 6, 140 Arthur St, North Sydney, NSW, 2060, Australia
1300 752 764