Pierre Cardin
Global fashion company commenced in 1950 and haute couture in 1953. Pierre Cardin's assets include Maxims restaurants, hotels, and food products. With 400 to 600 licences, commenced to save the brand in the 1960s. Owner Pierre Cardin died in 2020 aged 98. He was a UN goodwill ambassador from 1991.


Owned FRA
Rating D
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Societe de Gestion Pierre Cardin

Company Assessment

(Last updated Jan 2024)
Societe de Gestion Pierre Cardin
Maxim's restaurant in Paris, owned by Pierre Cardin, has foie gras both on the menu and for sale in the boutique. Foie gras is made of the liver of a duck or goose that has been force fed grain through a tube for the last 12-18 days of its life under factory farm conditions. More than a dozen countries have prohibited foie gras production due to animal welfare concerns.
In August 2008, workers at a small Indonesian factory that has been producing underwear for Pierre Cardin for over a decade, reported serious violations of their rights by the factory management. When they protested against the unfair dismissal of their union leader, 413 of them were sacked. When the sacked workers asked for their jobs back the conflict went from bad to worse, and Pierre Cardin refused to intervene.
Brands owned by this company are listed in Human Society International Australia's Better Wool Guide as using 100% non-mulesed wool from a robust certification scheme, or has a time-bound commitment to do so. Mulesing is the controversial practice of removing strips of the skin of a lamb's rear and is often done without pain relief. In Australia, the only country where mulesing still occurs, an estimated 10 million merino lambs are subjected to mulesing each year - equivalent to 19 lambs per minute.
Texim, a Turkish textile factory that produces clothing for Hugo Boss and Pierre Cardin, accepted the key union demands (after four months of campaigning) for reinstatement of dismissed workers on increased wages, salary for the picketing period and compensation for workers who chose not to return.

Company Details

Private company
45 million USD (2010)

Contact Details

Paris, France

Products / Brands

Pierre Cardin
Pierre Cardin Luxury Brands