Winning Group
Online retailer
Fourth-generation Australian family-owned appliances retailer, through its platform, and Winning Appliances bricks and mortar stores.


Owned AUS
Rating B
About the Ratings
Winning Appliances Pty Ltd

Company Assessment

(Last updated Jun 2024)
Winning Appliances Pty Ltd
3/5 for packaging performance
This company received a packaging performance level of 3 (Advanced) in its 2024 APCO Annual Report. Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) is a not-for-profit organisation leading the development of a circular economy for packaging in Australia. Each year, APCO Members are required to submit an APCO Annual Report and Action Plan, which includes an overall performance level from 1 (Getting Started) to 5 (Beyond Best Practice).
Source: APCO (2024)
AFR Sustainability Award
In 2024 Winning Group was recognised as a sustainability leader by the Australian Financial Review (AFR). "Winning Group brand Appliances Online has stopped 80,000 tonnes of electronics and appliances from being dumped in landfill, earning the company top spot in the Retail category."
Modern Slavery statement
California, the UK and Australia have all enacted legislation requiring companies operating within their borders to disclose their efforts to eradicate modern slavery from their operations and supply chains. Follow the link to see this company's disclosure statement.
No tax paid in 2019-20
According to data released by the Australian Tax Office in Jan 2022, this company was one of many local and foreign-based companies that paid no tax in Australia in 2019-20. Please note however that companies pay income tax on profits, not revenue (total income). While some companies use tax havens and loopholes to avoid paying their fair share of tax in Australia, other companies that paid no tax have perfectly legitimate reasons.
Source: ATO (2022)
> About the Icons

Company Details

Family-owned private company
857 million AUD (2024)
802 (2024)

Contact Details

L2, 20A Danks St, Redfern, NSW, 2016, Australia
1300 000 500

Products / Brands

Winning Group
Appliances Online Electronics Stores
Winning Appliances Electronics Stores