Impossible Foods
Mock meat producers
Founded in 2011 by Pat Brown. Their signature product, the Impossible Burger, was launched in July 2016. Supplies several restaurant chains (including Burger King) and major retailers across USA.


Owned USA
Rating B
About the Ratings
Impossible Foods Inc

Company Assessment

(Last updated Jan 2024)
Impossible Foods Inc
100% on Corporate Equality Index
This company is listed as having best practice on a report card on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality in corporate America.
Plant Based Foods Association member
This company is a member of the Plant Based Foods Association (PBFA), who represents more than 90 of USA's leading plant-based food companies. The PBFA's mission is to promote the plant-based foods industry by removing obstacles to a fair and competitive marketplace for alternatives to animal ingredients and products.
Source: PBFA (2024)
Sustainability claims
This company has sustainability claims on its website. "Eating Impossible Beef Made From Plants instead of beef from a cow means your environmental footprint is much lower: less land and water, and lower greenhouse gas emissions."
Criticised for "hyperprocessed" ingredients
In an open letter, rival alternative-meat company Lightlife criticized Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods for their use of "hyperprocessed" ingredients. The letter was slammed by Impossible Foods as cynical and disingenuous and dismissed by one commentator as a "PR stunt".
> About the Icons

Company Details

Private company

Contact Details

Redwood City, California, USA

Products / Brands

Impossible Foods
Impossible Vegetarian & Vegan