Navigation products and services
Company Ownership
TomTom Sales BV
TomTom International BV
owns 100% of TomTom Sales BV
Navigation and mapping
Founded in 1991, today the company is Europe's largest manufacturer of electronic navigation products including automotive navigation devices and software for smartphones and PDAs.
Company Assessment
(Last updated Jan 2022)
TomTom Sales BV
Misleading representations
In 2019 three manufacturers of consumer GPS navigation products, including this company, agreed to stop using 'lifetime' claims in their advertising of navigation services after the ACCC raised concerns these statements were potentially false, misleading or deceptive.
Source: ACCC
Privacy breach fears
This company said it was planning to sell GPS data collected about its customers' journeys to road authorities and private companies. This was after it had been forced to apologise when the same data was used by Dutch authorities to set speed traps. TomTom Sales in Australia rejected privacy concerns and claimed it was 'tracking users' by collecting real-time 'timestamped GPS data' of users journeys and the data was decoupled from individual users.
Source: news article
TomTom International BV
14/100 S&P Global ESG Score
This company received an S&P Global ESG Score of 14/100 in the Leisure Equipment & Products and Consumer Electronics category of the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment, an annual evaluation of companies' sustainability practices (last updated 7 Feb 2021). The rankings are based on an analysis of corporate economic, environmental and social performance, assessing issues such as corporate governance, risk management, environmental reporting, climate strategy, human rights and labour practices.
Source: S&P Global
Responsible Business Alliance member
This company is a member of the Responsible Business Alliance (formerly the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition), a non-profit coalition of electronics companies which supports the rights and wellbeing of workers and communities worldwide affected by the global electronics supply chain. RBA members commit and are held accountable to a common Code of Conduct and utilize a range of RBA training and assessment tools to support continuous improvement in the social, environmental and ethical responsibility of their supply chains.
Source: RBA
Sustainability claims
This company has sustainability claims on its website under the headings environmental compliance, chemical substances management, waste take-back and recycling, and supply chain management.
Source: company website
C+ grade at Behind the Barcode
C+ grade in the Baptist World Aid Australia's Behind the Barcode 'Ethical Electronics Guide 2016', which grades companies on their efforts to mitigate the risks of forced labour, child labour and worker exploitation throughout their supply chains. Assessment criteria fall into four main categories: policies, traceability & transparency, monitoring & training and worker rights. [Listed under Information due to age of report]
Modern Slavery statement
California, the UK and Australia have all enacted legislation requiring companies operating within their borders to disclose their efforts to eradicate modern slavery from their operations and supply chains. Follow the link to see this company's disclosure statement.
Source: company website
Company Details
Wholly-owned subsidiary
Contact Details
Suite 1/3, Richardson Place, North Ryde, NSW, 2113, Australia
1300 135 604
Products / Brands
TomTom Sales