Computer printer distributor
Epson's Australian subsidiary was set up in 1983.
Company Ownership
Epson Australia Pty Ltd
Seiko Epson Corporation
owns 100% of Epson Australia Pty Ltd
Computer printers
One of the world's largest manufacturers of computer printers. Formerly part of the Seiko Group.
Company Assessment
(Last updated Jan 2025)
Epson Australia Pty Ltd
3/5 for packaging performance
This company received a packaging performance level of 3 (Advanced) in its 2024 APCO Annual Report. Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) is a not-for-profit organisation leading the development of a circular economy for packaging in Australia. Each year, APCO Members are required to submit an APCO Annual Report and Action Plan, which includes an overall performance level from 1 (Getting Started) to 5 (Beyond Best Practice).
Source: APCO
Environmental claims
This company has environmental claims on its website specifically for its Australian operations.
Source: company website
Cartridges 4 Planet Ark participant
This company is a participant in the 'Cartridges 4 Planet Ark' program, which collects and returns printer cartridges for remanufacturing and recycling - therefore keeping them out of landfill.
Source: Planet Ark
Seiko Epson Corporation
CDP Climate Change score of A
In 2023, the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) asked companies to provide data about their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change risk. Responding companies are scored across four key areas: disclosure; awareness; management; and leadership. This company received a CDP Climate Change score of A.
Source: CDP
CDP Water Security score of A
In 2023, the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) asked companies to provide data about their efforts to manage and govern freshwater resources. Responding companies are scored on six key metrics: transparency; governance & strategy; measuring & monitoring; risk assessment; targets & goals; and value chain engagement. This company received a CDP Water Security score of A.
Source: CDP
12.18% for supply chain practices in China
The Green Supply Chain Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI) evaluates consumer-facing companies that have a sizeable supply chain in China. The evaluation uses government supervision data and public information to assess the environmental management of their supply chains in China. This company received a score of 12.18/100 (retrieved 24 Nov 2023).
Source: IPE
US recycling report card
The Electronics TakeBack Coalition's Recycling Report Card evaluates takeback and recycling programs for computer, TV, printer and game console companies. The report card focuses on the programs available to consumers in the US, and relies on publicly available information, as of Sept 2010. This company received a grade of F for its recycling efforts in the USA.
Climate action commitments
As listed on the We Mean Business website, this company has committed to the following climate action initiatives: commit to 100% renewable power; adopt a science-based emissions reduction target.
Source: We Mean Business
Social responsibility claims
This company has social responsibility claims on its website under headings including environment, product recycling, supply chain CSR and corporate citizenship.
Source: company website
Responsible Business Alliance member
This company is a member of the Responsible Business Alliance (formerly the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition), a non-profit coalition of electronics companies which supports the rights and wellbeing of workers and communities worldwide affected by the global electronics supply chain. RBA members commit and are held accountable to a common Code of Conduct and utilize a range of RBA training and assessment tools to support continuous improvement in the social, environmental and ethical responsibility of their supply chains.
Source: RBA
Responsible Minerals Initiative member
This company is a member of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (formerly the Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative), which helps companies address conflict minerals issues in their supply chains. The RMI provides information on conflict-free smelters and refiners, common tools to gather sourcing information, and forums for exchanging best practices on addressing conflict minerals. Membership is open to companies that use or transact in tantalum, tin, tungsten or gold (3TG). Founded in 2008 by members of the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition and the Global e-Sustainability Initiative.
Source: RMI
42/100 S&P Global ESG Score
This company received an S&P Global ESG Score of 42/100 in the Computers & Peripherals and Office Electronics category of the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment, an annual evaluation of companies' sustainability practices (last updated 18 Nov 2022). The rankings are based on an analysis of corporate economic, environmental and social performance, assessing issues such as corporate governance, risk management, environmental reporting, climate strategy, human rights and labour practices.
Source: S&P Global
Company Details
Wholly-owned subsidiary
Contact Details
3 Talavera Rd, North Ryde, NSW, 2113, Australia
1300 361 054
Products / Brands
Epson Australia